Parents & community residents in each CPS school boundary eligible.
The elections for all of Chicago’s Local School Councils are today Wednesday, April 18 for elementary schools. High school LSC elections are Thursday, April 19.
The resulting councils not only have the power over some of the most important decisions made by each school, but are a gathering of activists who often advocate citywide for goals from equitable school funding, to an elected school board, to an end to charter-school expansion.
We are proud to announce that a number of Network 49 members have stepped forward to run for parent or community seats on our local LSC’s!! They are running along with several dozen other dedicated neighbors, and we urge you to read the statements of all candidates – which are publicly posted inside each school. Most of all, we urge you to vote! (Details at end.)
Sullivan High School – 6631 N Bosworth
Esther Mosak (Community)
Amy Shuffleton (Community)
Gale Elementary – 1631 W. Jonquil
Joanna Su (Parent)
Carol Lauhon (Community)
Field Elementary – 7019 N. Ashland
Kandie Alter (Community)
Rebecca Weinberg (Community)
Kilmer Elementary – 6700 N. Greenview
Stefanie Cirillo (Parent)
Will Igoe (Parent)
Dawne Moon (Parent)
Betsy Vandercook (Community)
Natalia Vera (Community)
New Field – 1707 W. Morse
Annie Gill-Bloyer (Parent)
David Tolen (Community)
The elections will be held from 6 a.m.- 7 pm. To vote, you must be 18 years or older, but do not need to be a citizen. You need to bring two forms of ID, at least one with an address (e.g. driver’s license, utilities bill). You must be a parent or guardian of a child in the school OR live within the school attendance area. Sullivan’s area is almost all of Rogers Park north from Arthur, and the Lake to Western. Please note that Field and New Field share the same boundaries, and you can vote at both schools if you live within that area. All attendance areas can be found at the CPS website.